The Body Design System available
The Body Designer
New Mind-Body-Spirit System Process
- The Bio-Net Equipment and
- Fitness program by Marten Sport BODY DESIGNER and
- Personal diet consulting by Dr. Alex Dvoryanchikov
Technologies, Training and Consulting, Human Light System Support
and more inside The Body Designer System
Body Designer will help you design yourself, create yourself
Create a body of your dream!

Body Designer 2020 Magic Package
– card, pendant and 2 wristbands plus Training, Consulting and Support
Available 3 levels of the Body Designer:
Light – card, pendant and 2 wristbands
Workout – card, pendant, 2 wristbands plus special Fitness video course Body Design Workout by Marten Sport
Professional – card, pendant and 2 wristbands plus Workout by Marten Sport and personal diet consultation by Dr. Dvoryanchikov
Order Body Designer here